Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Interesting Wal-Mart Experience Has Me Thinking..

Today was my first day on the Thrive! diet. Yay. If you follow me on Twitter you would know how enthusiastic I am about this. Actually, it's something my wife and I have committed to and, even though it's Day 1, I already feel better. Maybe not physically, but mentally; the physical payoff will come in the next couple of weeks.

I digress. I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things to get us started and happened to pass through the cat food aisle. There was a generally older lady buying canned cat food so I proceeded to pass her on the right of the aisle (details are not as important as what happened next). As soon as I approached her buggy to proceed by her, she immediately sped up ahead of me like a speeding teenager eager to prove her buggy was better than mine.

This triggered my thought process a little I must say. I am a dog lover. If you know me, you know that. But cat lovers on the other hand are, for the most part, set apart from us; somewhat reclusive and moody. Think about it. Most dog lovers I know are, in turn, lovable people. Yet, cat people have this peculiarity about them that is undeniable.

Just some canned food for thought.

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