It's that time of year. Crowds. Lights. Santa. Shopping. It can only mean one thing: We have officially over-looked Thanksgiving as a means of "selling" Christmas to the average American. I'm glad my wife and I stand together in that we are not interested in Christmas music, putting up the tree, or decorating until Thanksgiving has passed.
Thanksgiving. A time to simply give thanks. A time to remember how we are blessed, who in our lives make living more enjoyable, and, often, who we miss.
I am thankful for a wife who loves me, first of all. That love sometimes includes picking up my dirty clothes, reminding me of all the things I forget, and never missing a chance to aggravate me when I'm pouty. Yes. Men get pouty. But a love that manifests itself the most when my imperfections shine like a new nickel makes me truly thankful.
I am thankful for a little boy who teaches me to love unconditionally. A boy that still calls me "DanDan" can mean so much without ever calling me "Dad". A boy who can push all your buttons and make you feel like not much you say gets through, but can make all the work worth the effort when he crawls into my bed at 2am because he can't sleep.

Thankful for a girl who changed my world 9 months ago and still amazes me when I see her. A girl who is sometimes if insatiable, bites me, pulls my leg hair, screams all the way home and still won't say "DaDa" can erase all of it when she cries for me to hold her or has her head buried in my chest while she snores.
Take the time to make sure this Thanksgiving is memorable for your family. This is by no means all for which I am thankful, but I have 3 good reasons to celebrate!