-White Chocolate PB Crackers
-Sugar Cookies (sadly, they never made it)
-Cocktail Weiners (is there a better word to use here? that sounds so.. )
and the granddad of them all...
I must admit, my wife and I have a sweet tooth and sometimes it gets out of control! But, with all the hustle and bustle and running ragged to-and-fro from Wal-Mart to Target to Home Depot, sometimes the greatest joys are the simple ones. The greatest times I can remember in my life involved my family being together, whether in times of sorrow or great joy; and especially when you can get together and destroy the kitchen with flour, icing, milk, etc.
Brayden and I decided to make a gingerbread house tonight, and no, no one lives there which can totally devastate a 4-year-old. (hint: if you make a house of any kind, someone has to live there, no matter how great or small.) We took some pics and hope you all enjoy and..
Brayden decorating his roof!
The Chimney!
My Door!
Mission Accomplished!